Friday, March 28, 2008

Oh, I'm a Silly Momma!

Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 1:51 AM
Subject: Oh, I'm a Silly Momma!

I too, kept checking my computer throughout the evening and finally fell asleep. I was trying to subscribe to my hubby’s motto of “no news is good news” but I will sleep more soundly now!

(I just wish I had checked your blog earlier! )

Many thanks to Robin for her resourcefulness and to you, Nora for your loving thoughts and prayers poured out from that big ole’ heart!

Sleep tight!


1 comment:

audrey&michael'smom said...

No, Sharon, you are a GOOD momma! Remember our book, Captivating? Its authors submitted that we as women show the "feminine" qualities of our Creator, i.e. nurturing, caring, (fretting)...etc. We are hard wired to do these things, like leave our email open all night, waiting to hear that our loved ones made it in safely. A big thank YOU, Sharon, for confirming that the next step in my quest to diagnose Michael's mild hypertension should be a Sleep Study. You "pondered these things in your heart" and then shared your gut instincts with me. Just like Mary did. Thank-you, and have a blessed day. Love, Robin