Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 3 PRAYER REQUESTS (posting early since I will be at Believe )

5. Pray for God to use us in anyway necessary.
6. Pray for everyone to be healthy, no sickness!

Father God! You are amazing. You are wonderful! You are everything and we love you so much! Father it is the desire of our team in Haiti to be used by you. Their hearts long to serve you and to respond to the love you have shown them by loving others. We come together through the use of this tool - the internet - and we are brought together as the Body of Christ, to lift up the arms and hands and feet and minds and fingers and every other part of the Body that arrived in Haiti and ask that you would use them in ANY WAY necessary. If it means washing someone's feet or giving a hug. You know the needs of the people, you know the way in which they will each have eyes to see and ears to hear. You know the very thing that might break through the wall of a hard heart... Lord use our team to do that! Whatever your will. And Father as we lift them up and pray for that I can't help but ask you to do the same in all of us, whether we are in Haiti or our living rooms - Lord we can all be used by you. We just have to be willing. And we are. So please God, use us all, let us shine where ever you have placed us and let us bring you glory. Because you are worthy of it!

Father we also ask that you would be the great physician. Specifically for Matt as he left Orlando sick - yet still committed to serve you - make him well Lord. Keep the rest of our team healthy from illnesses that might present while they are serving or any illness they might take home. Place a hedge of protection around them and keep them healthy. Please. We pray all that knowing that you know what is best and that we live in a world that is not perfect so if there is a lesson in the sickness, if there is a way to bring you glory through it, if it is a thorn you choose not to remove then Lord - provide the grace to endure it. We trust you.

In Jesus Name we pray,

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