Thursday, March 27, 2008


Robin and I were sitting by our computers most of the evening waiting for news... Robin - resourceful mom that she is- emailed Mike and this is his reply:

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:44 PM
Subject: Safe and Sound...

Hey Robin --- They are here and all are fine. They arrived safe and sound about 4:00 at the main campus. They should all be asleep by now. Long day.

If all goes well we will go to the Far West on Sat. and not return until Wed. so we will be out of touch for those days.

Now I can go to bed! Goodnight! :-) - Love, Nora


#1 - Please pray for every aspect of this trip!
#2- Pray for the people of Haiti to be receptive to the Gospel.

Father God,
You are worthy of all of our praise and we come before you now- through the use of technology and community to ask your blessing upon every aspect of this mission trip to Haiti. We know you have been working in this country for a long time, and even though Satan has a foothold there, we know that he has been defeated by the shed blood of the perfect sacrifice, the blood of the Lamb of God. Satan has already lost the battle and he is now just grasping at straws. We pray Father for you to reclaim this people whose minds have been polluted by the lies of the enemy and we pray that you would transform their minds to understand the truth of who you are and that you would remove the veil from their eyes so that these precious people can see the light of your love shining brightly through every believer who you have placed in Haiti. We pray that you would break the hearts of the people, that they would experience the Godly sorrow that leads to repentance. We want to see the waters around that island filled with people being baptized. We want to see a mighty army for Christ raised up so that there would be no need for a mission! May the land of Northwest Haiti be filled with your people from this day forward. May thousands be added to your number just like in Acts 2000 years ago! In Jesus name, everybody said! Amen!!!!

Thanks for praying with me guys! Love ya! Nora

Nora gone until Saturday Night

I just wanted to update all of you that Scott, myself and Brad & Jennifer will be leaving for our "mission trip" as we head to Christ in Youth's Middle School Believe Conference. We will be taking 14 of our Middle School students to Kissimmee for a great time of preaching, teaching and worship. As a result I will be unable to post or check email for most of Friday and all of Saturday.

Please continue to pray for our team and the hearts of those who will be ministered to in Haiti.

Sean left us a list of prayer requests... I will post them two or three at a time so we can focus on specific prayer requests for the next 10 days.

Trusting the God who hung the stars in the sky... the same sky that we see in Haiti and in Orlando. and there is one named for each of us. When you look at the sky tonight - know that our team looks on it too. - Nora

From Chuck Nell

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 11:51 AM
Subject: Haiti Trip

Maybe it is being married to your high school sweetheart for nearly 39 years, but I already miss Brenda and it's only the first day. At the same time I feel incredibly energized and proud of the team's desire and willingness to serve God through this trip. Brenda said it was out of her comfort zone, but she has been praying that through this mission trip her faith would be stretched and her walk with God would be even closer. I'm just loving her and feeling so proud of her step of faith. I'm convinced that each team member will come home changed forever. We serve a great and awesome God who is able to do more than we could ever imagine. I'm praying for His mighty arms to be wrapped around our team while they are in Haiti. I'm praying for them to be energized, humbled, peaceful, compassionate, safe, fulfilled and convinced that it was worth it.
Your prayer partner,

Hello First Christian Family,

Hello First Christian Family,
I called American Airlines to check on the arrival of our crew, and found that their flight (1291) did arrive in Port au Prince, Haiti, at 11:23 a.m. Praise the Lord! Their next scheduled stop per Sean's itinerary, is Port au Paix, via Air Tortuga. I know you'll all continue to lift them up as they travel throughout the day and minister throughout the week-end and upcoming week. Thank-you for your prayers. As a mother of two teens on the trip, I deeply appreciate all the prayers on the whole crew's behalf. Feeling so utterly helpless is not something most of us mere mortals do very well, so please know how comforting your prayers are to me and David, and all the families of those on the trip. "Pray without ceasing."

They're on their way!

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:43 AM

To all,

The Haiti Team is on their way! I received a call from Sean tha they arrived in Miami. They are probably boarding the plane to Haiti as I write this.

Shan Wood


Well, it is 5:38 AM! and less than 1 hour ago I dropped off my niece, church secretary, Trisha and my two kids, Sarah & Seth at Orlando International Airport. They met up with 26 other awesome people for a mission trip to Haiti.

I couldn't go but I can still be a part of what they are doing. In fact... anyone can. Many already have. The cost for this trip was 1100.00 per person. God provided it all. I still am not sure how, but then I never am. I just stand in awe of His amazing involvement in our lives. Which is why it is easier to trust them to His care. He is so faithful and there isn't one person on that plane or in Haiti who He doesn't care for and love deeply.

Todays Itinerary: (its a long one!)
depart OIA at 7:10am
arrive Miami at 8:10am
depart Miami at 10:30am
arrive Haiti at 11:30 am
(easy so far)
5 commuter planes (sigh) from Port au Prince to Port au Paix/St. Louis du Nord
Tap Tap (small truck- that you tap on to let the driver know to go or stop) fits somewhere in there too.

They will not arrive at the mission until late tonight.

Please keep them in your prayers. More updates and prayer requests to come.
Email me at if you would like to have me post something for you on the blog. I 'll just copy and paste. I think this will be a great forum for us to communicate, pray and for our team to reflect on when they return.

Trusting Jesus,