From Theresa Grant, (Tonya's Mom) Missionary to the Farwest, Northwest Haiti Christian Mission.
I hope, through the help of churches in the states, to provide employment for some of the Haitian women. Work is very scarce in Haiti and while the Haitians are willing and eager to work, most are unable because no work is available. I am hoping to help change that a little bit. I am asking ladies and/or churches to help. I would like to have the following items donated. You can place all of these items in a gallon zip-lock baggy and then forward them to me.
2 yards of flannel
1 spool of matching thread
1 pack of needles
$5.00 placed in an envelope
This will employ a Haitian woman for one week. We are having them make baby blankets from the flannel. This will help us to provide blankets for the infant nursery and the birthing center and also provide a source of income for these women. (There are 5 babies a day born at the birthing center.) I know this does not seem like much, but it is enough to employ a woman and pay her wages for a week. By providing employment we can help Haitian women provide food and housing for their families.
If you need further information please contact me via email:
Because of Him,
(I will get information on shipping... and we can make collections at First Christian Church of Orlando.- Nora)